Summer Arts is a six-week comprehensive multi-arts program divided into two three-week sessions. What does multi-arts mean? It means we offer courses in all of the visual arts, dance, drama, music, textiles, media, culinary arts, sports, writing, and music.
Students pick their own classes and follow the same schedule daily after an “add/drop” opportunity. Every day from 12:30-1:00 pm, the Summer Arts community gathers for the Noontime Show. The Noontime Shows feature class performances, individual students, staff, and guest artists. In addition to giving students opportunities to perform, Noontime Shows provide exposure to a wide range of creative expression, nurturing a lifelong appreciation for the arts.
The culmination of each session is the Arts Festival, a celebration showcasing all of the work generated throughout the three weeks. A dance concert, art gallery showings, musical recitals, fashion shows, vocal performances, and more grace this special day which is open to families and friends. A musical theatre production is performed the night before and the day of each Arts Festival.
(Please note, Summer 2024 is currently full. If you would like to be on the waitlist, click on ENROLL NOW to sign up. There is no registration fee to join the waitlist.)